/* * ========================================================================== * Gang blocks. * * A gang block is a collection of small blocks that looks to the DMU * like one large block. When zio_dva_allocate() cannot find a block * of the requested size, due to either severe fragmentation or the pool * being nearly full, it calls zio_write_gang_block() to construct the * block from smaller fragments. * * A gang block consists of a gang header (zio_gbh_phys_t) and up to * three (SPA_GBH_NBLKPTRS) gang members. The gang header is just like * an indirect block: it's an array of block pointers. It consumes * only one sector and hence is allocatable regardless of fragmentation. * The gang header's bps point to its gang members, which hold the data. * * Gang blocks are self-checksumming, using the bp's * as the verifier to ensure uniqueness of the SHA256 checksum. * Critically, the gang block bp's blk_cksum is the checksum of the data, * not the gang header. This ensures that data block signatures (needed for * deduplication) are independent of how the block is physically stored. * * Gang blocks can be nested: a gang member may itself be a gang block. * Thus every gang block is a tree in which root and all interior nodes are * gang headers, and the leaves are normal blocks that contain user data. * The root of the gang tree is called the gang leader. * * To perform any operation (read, rewrite, free, claim) on a gang block, * zio_gang_assemble() first assembles the gang tree (minus data leaves) * in the io_gang_tree field of the original logical i/o by recursively * reading the gang leader and all gang headers below it. This yields * an in-core tree containing the contents of every gang header and the * bps for every constituent of the gang block. * * With the gang tree now assembled, zio_gang_issue() just walks the gang tree * and invokes a callback on each bp. To free a gang block, zio_gang_issue() * calls zio_free_gang() -- a trivial wrapper around zio_free() -- for each bp. * zio_claim_gang() provides a similarly trivial wrapper for zio_claim(). * zio_read_gang() is a wrapper around zio_read() that omits reading gang * headers, since we already have those in io_gang_tree. zio_rewrite_gang() * performs a zio_rewrite() of the data or, for gang headers, a zio_rewrite() * of the gang header plus zio_checksum_compute() of the data to update the * gang header's blk_cksum as described above. * * The two-phase assemble/issue model solves the problem of partial failure -- * what if you'd freed part of a gang block but then couldn't read the * gang header for another part? Assembling the entire gang tree first * ensures that all the necessary gang header I/O has succeeded before * starting the actual work of free, claim, or write. Once the gang tree * is assembled, free and claim are in-memory operations that cannot fail. * * In the event that a gang write fails, zio_dva_unallocate() walks the * gang tree to immediately free (i.e. insert back into the space map) * everything we've allocated. This ensures that we don't get ENOSPC * errors during repeated suspend/resume cycles due to a flaky device. * * Gang rewrites only happen during sync-to-convergence. If we can't assemble * the gang tree, we won't modify the block, so we can safely defer the free * (knowing that the block is still intact). If we *can* assemble the gang * tree, then even if some of the rewrites fail, zio_dva_unallocate() will free * each constituent bp and we can allocate a new block on the next sync pass. * * In all cases, the gang tree allows complete recovery from partial failure. * ========================================================================== */